Short Stories
Raktam katha-The story of Blood (N.B.T.)Vaidyudu leani chota- Where there is no Doctor-HBTMaanasika vaidyudu leni chota- Where there is no Psychiatrist -HBTTaabelu malli gelichindi- Tortoise wins again.Manaku Doctor leni chota- Where women have no Doctor -HBTTumpa mariyu pichhukalu -Thumpa and Sparrows-NBTYogaato Nadumu Neppi Nivaararana- Yoga to prevent Backache
Health Education
Important Milestones & Achievements as Author:-
- A student of Telugu Dept., Nagarjuna University, Andhra Pradesh, got her M.phil degree with “Dr.Aluri Vijayalakshmi’s literature” as her Thesis subject
- A short story by name “Flower Garden” was selected as one of the 12 best stories out of around 1400 stories translated into English from almost all Indian languages, by Humanscape, a fortnightly magazine.
- “ManaDehan Katha”, a collection of essays on anatomy and physiology of Human organs, was selected for operation black board by Govt. of Andhra Pradesh and thousands of copies were distributed to the students.
- “KoumaraBaalalaArogyam”, a booklet on “Adolescent girls’ Reproductive and sexual health, hygiene, Nutrition, sexual abuse etc.” was distributed to around 1,00,000 adolescent girls free of cost with the financial support of Government, educational and service organizations and Philanthropists.
- Essays titled “The impact of cinema on society” first published in “Mahila” A.P.StateSahityaAcademy’s publication, was later included in the text book of P.U.C., Banglore university and another essay, titled “If a doctor is also a writer”, first published in the souvenir of Rajalakshmi foundation, Chennai, was included in the text book of B.A., Open University, Hyderabad
- First story,”Malupu” Won a special prize in the Diwali short story competition conducted by “Andhra Prabha Weekly”- 1962
- Short story “JeevaJwala” wonspecial prize in theshort story contest conducted by Yojana magazine Telugu magazines and Family planning Dept. of A.P.
About The Author